Friday, January 13, 2012

It's a Good Day to begin Chemo

Our day has begun good. Momma received a daily devotional that completely addressed the negativity trying to infiltrate our positive and faithful attitude. An excerpt:
When You say, "I can't go on."
God says: "My grace is sufficient." ( 2 Corin 12:9 & Psalm 91:15 )
When You say, "I can't figure things out."
God says: "I will direct your steps." ( Proverbs 3:5-6 )
When You say, "I can't do it."
God says: "You can do all things in Me." ( Phil 4:13 )
When You say, "It's not worth it." 
God says: "It will be worth it." ( Romans 8:28 )

Daddy too started off on the right foot. On his morning walk, he bumped into his First Lady: the honorable Mrs. Nancy Reagan! He greeted her with "Good Morning, Mrs. Reagan," his smile and a head nod. She smiled back at him and returned the "Good Morning." Made his day ;)

Today we begin Madeleine's chemo treatment. The ATRT is an aggressive disease, and therefore must also be treated aggressively. She will receive infusions for 5 days, beginning her total 28-day cycle. We expect a very sick baby. However, her fighting spirit and demonstrated ability to bounce back gives us reassurance and faith that we can help see her through it. Until the medications begin to really kick in, she should continue to eat well and be in good spirits. 

Madeleine will remain inpatient at minimum for this first cycle to carefully watch her counts and how she responds to the chemo. She will need blood and platelet transfusions during these cycles so we are still hopeful for additional donors - blood types A- and O-,  are compatible - and an anticipated schedule to donate over the next 6-7 months. The treatment plan currently includes 6 cycles of chemotherapy, at least one short stay at Children's Hospital Los Angeles to undergo an aphaeresis procedure, and another brain surgery when the time is right to resect as much of the remaining tumor as possible. This disease MUST be completely removed in order for her to be cured. And that is the goal.


  1. Praying for your family and I won't stop until she is completely healed

  2. Madeleine I am praying for good things to happen for you. I have done a ride for many years called the Ride For Kids, it does research on pediatric brain tumors, the foundation is awesome on their work to cure your type of illness. And I am reading blog to see your progress. Prayers also for your family, for strength and courage in these difficult times. God Bless.

  3. Good Morning Jeff and Ronny, that is a beautiful picture of Madeleine, We will be praying for all of you.
    Uncle Ralph & Aunt Denise

  4. We are keeping up with Madeleine's procedures, we are our praying that she will recover and keep showing us that beautiful innocent smile. We can only imagine what you are going thru as parents. God is with you! HUGS AND KISSES FOR Madeleine! Love you guys. Tio Larry & Tia ANA

  5. Jeff and Ronny I don't know you but I know your family that lives in Florida ( Tony Clopton and all her children ) and I read there facebook post and came here to read your blog . This must be very hard for you guys and I know with God watching over Madeleine and the prayers that we are sending from here and that others across the country are sending her way that she will be fine ! It will be a long journey for all of you but remember keep strong and keep the faith and all will turn out well . She is a beautiful looking girl and she looks like she is ready to fight this with all she has. May God bless you all and keep on watching over little Madeleine .

  6. I saw your post in my young friend Bianca's FB page. As a Mom and nurse my heart skipped a few beats on reading about Madeline's trial. I am type A- , live in LA, plus work in the Wilshire/Vermont area. Where do I go to help...who do I contact at Children's Hospital. My prayers and heart are with all of you.
