Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sleepy Sunday

Madeleine is making little moaning sounds in her sleep right now. She fell asleep eating and I haven't managed to convince her yet that she's finished. She woke up around 11am to get her medicine, then took a nap. She's only woken up 3 times all day to eat. Don't worry, I already called the nurse to come out for an exam and discuss again how she's doing. Her heart rate and breathing are still both very steady, a very good sign. Her skin stays cool though she stays wrapped in a blanket and she's slightly pale, but overall doing pretty well. Her belly has some definite roundness just under her ribcage not unlike when she had the ileus which has us slightly concerned. The nurse is thinking that it could be one of the tumors pressing in her spine causing it. Dr Davidson will come here on Wednesday to see her so I'm sure she will also let us know what she thinks at that time. Madeleine has also starting using her right hand again mostly because she figured out that if her fingers on her left hand are unable to grasp, she can use the outside of both hands to pick things up. She is so smart.
Madeleine had several visitors on Saturday that also could have taken a lot out of her causing her to be sleepy. Annalise too spent most of the day in bed and not eating too much. That kid is always going 100 miles a minute so we know she's really not her best when she voluntarily spends the day in her bed. After a little Tylenol and cold medicine this evening she's back up and playing Minnie Mouse on the iPad so she must be feeling better. We took it all as a cue to stay in sweats today, hang around the house, doing laundry, loving each other. I love my family.

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