Friday, June 15, 2012

Madeleine is Home

Madeleine's hospital confinement is officially over. This cycle was just as uneventful and efficient as the first - she was discharged on day+12, one day earlier than her first transplant cycle. On Sunday her ANC was still bottomed out, and by Monday we saw a little bump up to 300. By Tuesday, just overnight, her counts jumped up to 1,000! And again the following day she skyrocketed to 2,500! Although all of her counts have not yet recovered, we can at least know she's safer from infections and enough to go home.
As one of her docs stated, she's done just stellar. She has exceeded everyone's expectations overall how she has come out of this incredibly toxic, very aggressive treatment with little effect to date. Madeleine will have her post-chemo MRI in two weeks and a spinal tap in 3 weeks that will finally conclude treatment and confirm she is in fact in remission without any new tumor growth. That's the focused prayer now, that it all wasn't for nothing and no new tumors are evident.
Without skipping a beat, we're back at clinic this morning to check her labs as she will likely need platelets today. One thing about going home is the air has a lot more moisture on the outside so we've had a little bit of a bloody nose and some congestion to contend with. There's definitely a period of adjustment back to some form of normalcy for us all but one that is very welcome.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. What a long road you have all been on. I am so happy that everything has gone as well as it has and you are all home together as a family. She is such as special and sweet baby girl that has touched my heart in so many ways. She will continue to be in my prayers that she remains healthy and happy and home with all of you. I love you all and can't wait until you give me the green light to come and visit :) As always, let me know if there is anything I can do, you know that I am always here for you!!!
